Monday, October 1, 2012

New Letter from Kaeley - October 1st

    Well...Things have been good...and bad.  But a good bad I guess you could say. It has been good because we have had a lot of training this week and that has been helpful in what we do on a day to day basis.  So we have lots and lots to work on and start to implement in our daily routine. And remember when I said tracting was better last week...that lasted about 4 days later.  We ran into this guy, who just laid into us about how we are spreading a lie and just a lot of other things and was just attacking us. We should of just walking away but we didn't and we kind of told him the what for about what he has said. We kind of got into it with him but then realized it was going in a not very good direction and we tried to change the tone and ask him have you ever read the Book of Mormon and he just keep saying you don't need it and you believe this and this and it’s a lie. We told him how can  you tell us what we believe if you have never even read the Book of Mormon and why would you limit God to what he is capable of.  He listened for  about 5 minutes and then just went back to his old argument that we were spreading a lie and weren't going to make it to heaven because we were serving a mission. I finally said its time to go, and we started to walk away and we told him we hoped that one day his opinion of who we were as people would change and wished him a nice day. Let me tell you, I have a lot of work to do on loving everyone because I really just wanted to punch him in the face and say how dare you. I am praying for Charity and forgiveness which is all I can do but we are both not fans of tracting right now. We didn't even knock on his door. We were just walking down the sidewalk and said Hi but it just surprises me how mean people can be about something they know so little about. Everything else has been good but that experience kind of shook both of us up for a little while. We know better next time to that when that happens to walk away. We have the right to not listen to them especially if they are targeting us. But that is my horrid story for the week. My good story of the week is that is finally cooled down for a few days but today and tomorrow...107! People say this isn't normally for this area and they don't really know what is going on. We have met some neat people this last week but none of  whom  were interested. Our  ward  is really helpful and are always so willing to feed us. Which is nice not having to worry about cooking a meal but I don't know if they realize that as sisters, we don't eat near as much as the elders!  It’s kind of funny to see how much food gets put on the table sometimes. We just laugh. We have 2 new investigators this week. We are teaching a 14 year old girl who has had a pretty hard life so far but her aunt is in our ward and they are adopting her and she wants to learn more about the church. The other is a grandson of a less active in our ward and they both are going to be taught the missionary lessons. He is 81/2 and super excited to learn more. There is so much work that can be done here but sometimes it gets overwhelming on where to even start. We are never really sure but that is where prayer comes into play and we just trust that the Lord will take us where we need to be. But you just keep working hard, hoping for the best and you just keep doing what has been asked of you and pray for the strength to keep going.   
 The fall pictures you sent looked beautiful and I miss seeing all that green!  It’s mostly desert here with maybe a couple of green trees but not very many.   Tell everyone Hi  for me!  Love you,  Sister Haws

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